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Too Human: In-Game Economy and Resource Management Too Human: In-Game Economy and Resource ManagementToo Human is an action-role-playing game developed by Silicon Knights and published for Xbox 360 in 2008. The game attracts attention with its in-game economy and resource management concepts. In this article, Too Human's in-game economy system and resource management features will be discussed in detail.

In-Game Economy System

In Too Human, the in-game economy system is based on "credits", the currency that players earn and spend in the game. Credits can be obtained by defeating enemies or completing missions. These credits can be used for various purposes in-game, such as purchasing equipment, upgrading equipment, or accessing new areas.Players can purchase various equipment from vendors located in the game world. These equipment can provide new abilities and advantages to the player's character. For example, stronger weapons or armor can help the player defeat enemies more effectively.Besides this, players can also improve their equipment. To improve a piece of equipment, the player must spend credits. These improvements can increase the power of the equipment or add additional features. For example, enhancements can be made to increase the damage of a weapon or increase the durability of an armor.

Resource Management

Too Human's resource management system is also an important aspect of the game. There are various resources in the game and these resources can be collected as you progress through the game. Depending on the player's needs and preferences, these resources can be used for different purposes.The first type of resources is called "salvage" and can be obtained by players from killed enemies and explored areas. Savur can be spent on repairing, improving the player's equipment, or purchasing new equipment. It can also be used to complete some tasks or achieve certain goals.The second type of resources is called "cybernetic modules". These modules can be used to create new abilities and perks in the player's skill tree. The player can strengthen his character as he wishes by investing these modules into different skills in the skill tree. For example, he can use these modules to move faster or perform more powerful attacks.

Comparison with Tables

The table below compares the credit and resource management systems used at Too Human: Topic Credit Salvage Way to Obtain Cybernetic Modules By defeating enemies or completing missions Collected by players from enemies and explored areas Areas of Use Purchasing equipment, improving it and accessing new areas Repairing equipment, improving it and completing missions Creating new abilities in the skill tree As can be seen from the table above, credit represents the general currency in the game, while salvage is used mostly for equipment-related expenses. Cybernetic modules focus on abilities specific to the player's character.Too Human is a game that successfully combines in-game economy and resource management. The variety of currencies and resources in the game offers the player different options and enriches the gaming experience. Players can become stronger by managing their resources in a way that suits their playstyle and character.Trading strategy is a process that involves regular planning, which is an important element of being able to trade successfully. In order to be successful when trading in the Too Human game, you need to create a trading strategy. In this article, we will go through the Too Human game and discuss the tips and tricks of creating a trading strategy in detail.

1. Research and Follow the Market

The first step in creating a trading strategy is to research and follow the in-game market well. By observing the commodity prices, supply and demand situation of sellers and player characters in different regions, you can determine the most profitable trade opportunities. In this way, by purchasing a product that is in excess demand at a low price, you can increase your chances of making more profits when demand is high.

2. Assessing Risks

When creating a trading strategy, it is important to evaluate the risks well. In Too Human, you may be at risk from looters or other players when transporting goods. With these risks in mind, you can plan your trading route and timing carefully. By cooperating with other players, you can also develop strategies such as providing security to the trade convoy.

3. Diversification

When creating your trading strategy, it is important to diversify your portfolio. Being too dependent on a single product or trade in one region can lead to increased risks. By investing in different types of commodities and following different markets, you can reduce your trading risk and increase your profit potential.

4. Asset and Cost Management to Become a Good Trader

In Too Human, it is important to manage your assets well. Selling or trading items you don't need quickly frees up space and frees up cash flow, allowing you to capture more trading opportunities. Also, when buying and selling goods, don't forget to negotiate to keep your costs down and increase your profit margin.

5. Observing the Competition

When creating your trading strategy, it is important to carefully observe your competitors. Keeping track of factors such as other merchants' pricing policies, supply and demand of goods can give you a competitive advantage. By developing competitive pricing strategies, you can become customers' preferred commerce destination.

6. Adapting to Economic Changes

In the Too Human game, economic changes may occur. In this case, you can adapt to new opportunities by quickly updating your trading strategy. For example, when a new product is released or the price of a rare commodity rises, you can maximize your profits by changing your trading route.

7. Becoming a Good Communicator

In Too Human, it is important to interact and negotiate with other players. Being a good communicator can strengthen your trading strategy. When negotiating prices or making offers of cooperation, it is important to communicate clearly and understandably. Summary Tips and tricks for creating a successful trading strategy in the Too Human game are discussed in this article. Factors such as researching the market, assessing risks, diversification, asset and cost management, observing the competition, adapting to economic changes and being a good communicator will enable you to succeed in your trading. You can become a profitable trader in Too Human by carefully planning your trading strategy. Games like Too Human have a complex structure that includes in-game economy and resource management elements. In these games, players must use resources effectively to progress and achieve their goals. In-game currencies play an important role in acquiring, trading and using these resources. This article will share detailed information about determining the value of in-game currencies and using them effectively.

Determining the Value of In-Game Currencies

The value of in-game currencies is based on the game's economic system and the balance of demand and supply. Many games allow players to earn currency through activities such as completing quests, defeating enemies, or collecting resources. These earned currencies allow you to purchase resources that you can use or trade in-game.The value of in-game currencies is generally determined based on supply and demand factors. If a particular resource is rare and in demand in the game, the price of that resource increases and therefore the value of the in-game currency increases. Similarly, if a resource is abundant and not in demand, the price of that resource drops and the value of the in-game currency also decreases.However, game developers have the authority to control currency value to balance the in-game economy. It may restrict access to the currency, adjust its reward system, or diversify its resources in order to offset its appreciation or depreciation. Additionally, in games where in-game currencies can be exchanged or purchased for real currencies, the process of determining value becomes more complex.

Effective Use of In-Game Currencies

Effective use of in-game currencies means that players must contribute to the game's economy, both individually and as a community. Using currencies effectively while playing can speed up your progress, allowing you to buy or trade higher level items.The first step is to be active in different activities to earn the currency. You can earn currency through various methods such as completing quests, defeating enemies, mining or crafting. You can also obtain currency by trading or purchasing resources from others.When using your currency, it is important to focus on the tasks and objectives given to you in the game. Spending in-game currency on random or unnecessary items can slow down your progress and leave you without important resources. Therefore, it is important to spend currency carefully and invest in the right resources according to your needs.


Determining the value and effective use of in-game currencies is a cornerstone of in-game economic systems. Game developers take into account various factors to balance the value of the currency and provide players with a fair experience. Likewise, it is important for players to progress in the game and achieve their goals by using their currencies effectively. In this way, the in-game economy will be balanced and sustainable. Tags: p,ul,li,table,h1,h4 style="margin-top: 40px" Economic balance is vital to maintaining the in-game economy in the video game world. Ensuring economic balance means using the resources in the game correctly, distributing players' earnings fairly and ensuring the sustainability of the game. In this article, we will talk about in-game economy and resource management through the Too Human game.

What is In-Game Economy?

The in-game economy is a system for managing virtual currency or resources used in the game world. For example, in the game Too Human, players have credit units that they can use to buy, upgrade, or trade items such as weapons or armor.The in-game economy is important to ensure the balance and competitiveness of the game. Factors such as the pricing of items, the earnings earned by players, and the even distribution of resources affect the economic balance.

Ensuring Economic Balance

It is necessary to consider various factors to ensure economic balance in the Too Human game. Below is an explanation of how these factors can be applied: Earnings System: It is important for players to have different methods to earn profits in the game. Different sources of earnings, such as quests, defeating enemies, or participating in in-game events, will determine the economic success of players. Pricing: Pricing of in-game items should be carefully planned, both to ensure accessibility for beginner players and to set goals for advanced players. Prices should be based on factors such as the item's rarity, power, and in-game demands. Resource Limitation: Getting rich too quickly or getting the most powerful items can unbalance the game. Therefore, it is important that players have limited resources and the development process is arduous. This motivates players and ensures economic balance. Barter and Trade: The ability for players to exchange or trade items is also important to maintain economic balance. This encourages interaction between players and enables the discovery of different sources of earnings.

Player Efficiency and Item Development

In games like Too Human, one way to achieve economic balance is for players to use their resources efficiently and improve their items. The fact that some players have better items increases competition and encourages players to continue playing the game.The following methods can be used to increase player efficiency: Item Production: In the game, players may be offered the opportunity to collect or produce materials to improve their items. This method allows players to obtain better items by using their abilities. Power-Up System: With the power-up systems in the game, players can make their items stronger. This provides players with the goal of obtaining better items and ensures economic balance. Item Diversity: The presence of various items in the game and each having different features allows players to choose items suitable for different play styles. This increases economic stability and allows players to explore various sources of earnings.


In games like Too Human, economic balance is very important to ensure that players have an enjoyable and fair experience. To ensure economic balance in the game, factors such as earnings system, pricing, resource limitation and barter must be taken into account. At the same time, the player efficiency and item development system encourages players to play the game continuously and increases competition. In this way, a fair competition environment is created between players and the sustainability of the game is ensured.Nowadays, the gaming industry is developing rapidly and online games played by millions of people are becoming increasingly popular. Games have now gone beyond being just a means of entertainment and have an economic dimension. In-game economy is defined as the ability and systems to manage virtual currency and in-game resources within a game.

In-Game Economy and Virtual Currencies

The in-game economy is based on virtual currencies used in the game. These virtual currencies are a tool that players use when making in-game purchases. Players can purchase weapons, armor, equipment, and other in-game items through virtual currencies. The in-game economy offers a variety of ways and methods for players to earn and spend these virtual currencies.Virtual currencies used in the in-game economy can also be purchased for real money. Many games offer players the option to purchase in-game currency for real money. This is a great advantage for players who want to make rapid progress in the game. However, such exchanges may be limited or controlled in order to maintain the balance and fairness of the game.

Resource Management and Trading

Resource management is of great importance in the in-game economy. Players must use the resources they have correctly and efficiently. Successful in-game economy management can accelerate player progress by making the best use of available resources.At the same time, trade between players is also an important component of the in-game economy. Players can obtain the resources they need by trading with other players in the game. Trading ensures balance and cooperation between players. While some players can produce to obtain resources, some players may prefer to purchase these resources. Trading allows players to interact with each other and improve their skills in meeting each other's needs.

In-Game Economy and Community

The in-game economy creates a community among players. Thanks to trade, communication and cooperation in the game, players interact with each other and share their experiences in the game. Players can help or compete with each other through their interactions on the in-game economy. The in-game economy allows players who are connected to each other to work together and achieve goals together in the game.For all these reasons, the in-game economy is an important factor for the success of a game. Players can progress through the game faster and more successfully by managing and trading resources. At the same time, the in-game economy allows players to interact with each other by creating a social community in the game. This ensures that the game can be played for a longer time and attracts the attention of more players. Therefore, it is of great importance for game developers to properly design and manage the in-game economy.Too Human is a game that emphasizes one of the most important elements of the in-game economy and resource management. In the game, using resources effectively determines the character's development and success. The same principles apply in the real world. Using resource management strategies is of great importance for both individuals and organizations. In this article, we will examine in detail how resource management strategies can be used more effectively.

What is Resource Management?

Resource management is a strategy used to achieve maximum efficiency with limited resources. These resources may include factors such as time, money, materials, manpower, and energy. Resource management means optimizing these factors, avoiding waste, and distributing them in accordance with goals. Some strategies and methods are used to achieve this.

Resource Management Strategies

Resource management strategies are plans and methods that must be implemented in order to use resources in the most effective way. These strategies can be implemented in the following ways:1. Tracking and Evaluating Resources Tracking resources accurately ensures knowing which resources are used and in what way. The cost and value of each resource is analyzed to ensure that it is directed in the most appropriate way.2. Prioritization Some resources may be more important than others in a project or task. Instead of managing all resources with the same priority, it will be more effective to allocate more time, money or manpower to the priorities.3. Collaboration and Communication Good collaboration and communication within the organization or among members of a project team helps manage resources effectively. Ensuring a clear agreement among team members about when and how resources will be used prevents double-working and increases efficiency.4. Evaluation and Feedback Periodic evaluation of projects undertaken and resources used provides learning opportunities for future projects. It is important to receive feedback on each project and update resource management strategies according to this feedback.5. Risk Analysis There are always risk factors in the work done, and these risk factors can affect the use of resources. Risk analysis enables the identification of possible risks and taking precautions against these risks.

Advantages of Resource Management Strategies

There are many advantages to using resource management strategies. These include: Advantages Description Effective Resource Use Resource management strategies prevent waste of resources and ensure their most effective use. Cost Reduction An effective resource management strategy reduces unnecessary expenses and costs. Productivity Increase Using resources more efficiently enables business processes to be completed faster and more effectively. Risk Mitigation A correct resource management strategy enables taking measures to prevent and reduce possible risks.


Although the Too Human game is a simulation that emphasizes the importance of resource management, the same principles apply in the real world. Resource management requires using strategies to use limited resources in the most effective way. Resource management strategies include elements such as tracking and prioritizing resources, collaboration and communication, evaluation and feedback, and risk analysis. Using these strategies ensures effective use of resources, reduces costs and increases efficiency. In summary, resource management strategies are of great importance for both individuals and institutions.Too Human: In-Game Economy and Resource Management, Tips and tricks for creating a good trading strategy., Determining the value of in-game currencies and using them effectively., Maintaining economic balance: How can we establish a balance in the game?, What is the in-game economy? and why is it important?,Resource management strategies: How can we use resources more effectively?
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